30-1. Discipline Referrals

30-1.1. Request for Exclusion from Class

A teacher, upon written notice to the principal or the principal’s designee, and upon receipt of written instruction of where the student is to be sent, which the principal or the principal’s designee shall send immediately, may exclude from class a student who seriously disrupts the orderly educational process as defined by the Student Code of Conduct.

30-1.2. Completion of Uniform Student Discipline Referral Form or Alternative Platform for Referring Students

Whenever a student is excluded from class, the teacher will confer with the principal, or the principal’s designee, to provide the necessary information concerning the student and shall provide a complete written statement of the problem within twenty-four hours, which shall be via the uniform student discipline referral form or alternative platform for referring students. Said written statement via the discipline referral form or alternative platform for referring students shall include a summary of any informational background or prior action taken by the teacher relative to the student’s behavioral problems.

30-1.3. Reinstatement of Student

The principal or the principal’s designee will only reinstate the student after a conference on classroom conduct and school rules which will be held on non-instructional time and must include the teacher.