45-4. Standing Committees
45-4.1. Career and Technical Education.
A standing Career and Technical Education Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to Career and Technical Education programs and issues. The committee will study CTE programs and career academy curricula, funding and other issues related to the operations of CTE programs and career academies. Annually in March the committee shall submit recommendations to the CEO for implementation in July.
45-4.2. Early Childhood Education.
A standing Early Childhood Education Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to Early Childhood Education programs and issues.
45-4.3. Student Discipline, Truancy and School Safety.
A standing Student Discipline, Truancy and School Safety Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to student discipline, truancy and school safety issues. The BOARD will receive recommendations from the Student Discipline, Truancy and School Safety Committee to improve the culture and climate of the schools in order to implement the BOARD’s commitment to Restorative Justice practices, Social Emotional Learning, Safety, Security and fidelity in student attendance reporting.
45-4.4. Special Education.
A standing Special Education Committee is established to study and make recommendations with special education, students with disabilities, special education teacher workload, and related issues. The Committee shall investigate workload complaints from bargaining unit employees working with students with disabilities, including special education teachers, clinicians and counselors. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer, with a copy to the UNION President.
45-4.5. Counselor and Case Management.
A standing Case Management Committee is established to study and make recommendations with case management and related issues.
45-4.6. Clinician Work Load.
A work committee shall investigate workload complaints from clinicians working with students with disabilities. The committee shall investigate and make recommendations about hiring additional clinicians to reduce current workload, as well as pipeline programs for hard to staff clinician disciplines. The Committee shall submit recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer, with a copy to the Union President.
45-4.7. Workload Reduction Funding.
The BOARD agrees to commit $2,500,000 per year during this Agreement to fund costs associated with workload reduction as jointly recommended by the Special Education Committee, the Counselor and Case Management Committee, and the Clinician Work Load Committee.
45-4.8. Teacher Evaluation.
A standing Joint Committee on Teacher Evaluation is created under Article 39 and shall have the authority and purposes set forth in Article 39.
45-4.9. Employee Discipline.
A standing Employee Discipline Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to employee discipline.
45-4.10. Information Technology.
A standing Information Technology Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to information technology and BOARD employee access to technological resources.
45-4.11. Budget.
The parties shall establish an Advisory Committee on Budget, consisting of two (2) elected representatives of the Chicago Teachers Union, two (2) members of the Chicago Board of Education, and the Chief Financial Officer of the Chicago Board of Education (or the equivalent position), whose purpose is to conduct monthly meetings upon the request of either party for the purpose of making a recommendation to the BOARD for its annual budget. The committee shall be allowed access to all relevant information pertaining to the BOARD’s budget, and its meetings may include invited guests as agreed by the committee.
45-4.12. Air Conditioning and Temperature Control.
A standing Air Conditioning and Temperature Control Committee is established to investigate, study and determine a timetable for air conditioning or other temperature controls for classrooms in use during July or August.
45-4.13. Physical Education.
A standing Physical Education Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to physical education and sports programs.
45-4.14. Pay.
A standing Pay Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to career ladders, the BOARD’s policies with respect to lane movement, and differentiated compensation.
45-4.15. Academic Calendar.
A standing Academic Calendar Committee is established to study and make recommendations with respect to a unified calendar for the 2013-2014 school year. The committee’s recommendations will comport with Article 19.
45-4.16. Diversity.
A standing diversity committee is added to monitor and make recommendations to improve teacher and other staff racial diversity to better reflect student population, including university partnerships for the purpose of increasing the number of teachers of color.
45-4.17. Bilingual Education.
A standing Bilingual Education committee is added to monitor progress on recommendations to increase EL students’ access to quality instruction and services.
45-4.18. Psrp.
A standing PSRP committee is added to determine changes, if any, to the PSRP evaluation plan and other PSRP issues.
45-4.19. Sports.
A 10-member Sports Committee is established, with 5 members appointed by the Board and 5 members appointed by the Union. The Joint Sports Committee shall have the following responsibilities:
Review the allocation of resources including, but not limited to, transportation, equipment, uniforms, and necessary supplies to ensure that schools in need of greater support for athletics receive priority in distribution of available funds, including securing corporate sponsorships, donations and grant dollars
Create a model for greater equity in compensation for coaches across all sports categories
The Joint Committee will have $5 million annually above and beyond the current budget allocation for sports administration.