7-5. Texts, Instructional Materials and Supplies Distribution and Collection

Teacher-editions of texts, instructional materials, curriculum guides for each subject area and supplies shall be available for distribution to teachers and an assigned classroom with a teacher desk on the first day of teacher attendance of the regular school year and the summer school session. Student texts shall be distributed no later than the end of the first week of student attendance. School principals shall confer with the Professional Problems Committee on ways to expedite the distribution of texts to students. Collection and inventory of texts shall not be required before the last week of school. Teachers shall keep an accurate account of the educational equipment and materials issued to them for instruction of their classes. The principal shall consult with grade level representatives and/or department chairs (including a special education representative) and PPLC to determine the selection of texts and instructional materials. To the extent possible, each school shall ensure that staff is provided adequate and appropriate technology, current and culturally relevant curriculum guides and materials, both physical and digital copies for their classrooms. All decorations or educational items required by administration for the school classrooms shall be paid for and provided by the school administration.